El Salvador
Population: 6,568,745 Location: Central America
Language: Spanish, Nawat
Capital: San Salvador
Religion: Roman Catholic 50%, Protestant 36%, other 2%, none 12%
Did you Know?: After eating, it is considered polite to spend at least an hour conversing with your hosts instead of leaving right away.
Prayer Request 1:
Transformation in the hearts of the Salvadorian people and all of those going on the mission trip.
Prayer Request 2:
Provision for all the members attending the mission trip.
Prayer Request 3:
Miraculous experience and safe travel.
Personal Prayer Requests
Fund Goal: $
Currently at: $
When I graduated from high school in New York City, I was determined to attend a Christian college, despite many oppositions. My main goal was to learn how to support my local pastors and somehow support other pastors with the mission of spreading the Gospel to the nations. By the time I was a sophomore, I participated in many local mission projects in New York City, New Jersey, Pensylvania and internationally to the Dominican Republic. I knew that I wanted to be more involved in international missions trips, especially to Spanish speaking countries. After moving from Charlotte to Fort Lauderdale, I shared with my family that I wanted God to give me the opportunity to be part of a church that created opportunites to serve internationally. When I heard of the El Salvador trip, I rejoiced and knew it was an answered prayer.