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Little Girl

Blanca Cardenas

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Wild Horses on the Prarie
Beautiful Nature
Tropical Island Resort



Calvary El Sunzal

El Salvador

Population: 6,568,745 Location: Central America
Language: Spanish, Nawat
Capital: San Salvador
Religion: Roman Catholic 50%, Protestant 36%, other 2%, none 12%
Did you Know?: After eating, it is considered polite to spend at least an hour conversing with your hosts instead of leaving right away.

Prayer Request 1:

Por qué Dios me use en el viaje misionero. Please pray that God may use me on the missions trip.

Prayer Request 2:

Por que cada día yo me apasione más por el Señor! That I may grow more passionate for the Lord daily!

Prayer Request 3:

Por la salud de mi hermano. Please pray for the health of my brother.

   Personal Prayer Requests

El Salvador

   Country Prayer Requests

Please visit the below websites for resources on how to best pray for

Fund Goal: $ 

Currently at: $




Creo que Dios me ha abierto las puertas para realizar este viaje. Hace varios años, cuando mi hija comenzó a ir a viajes misioneros, sentí curiosidad y el deseo de ir a uno también. El año pasado (2023) comencé a orar pidiéndole a Dios que si era su voluntad me permitiera asistir al viaje misionero de este año (2024). Sé que mi padre Celestial me ha dado dones y talentos. Quiero usarlos para servirle y así ayudar a otras personas. Por eso creo que debería hacer este viaje.

I believe God has opened the doors for me to go on this trip. Several years ago, when my daughter began to go on missionary trips, I became curious and desired to go on one as well. Last year on 2023 I began to pray asking God that if it were His will he would allow me to attend the missionary trip this year (2024). I know I have been given gifts and talents from my Heavenly Father and I want to use them to serve Him and thus help other people. This is why I believe I should go on this trip.

Her Story


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