El Salvador
Population: 6,568,745 Location: Central America
Language: Spanish, Nawat
Capital: San Salvador
Religion: Roman Catholic 50%, Protestant 36%, other 2%, none 12%
Did you Know?: After eating, it is considered polite to spend at least an hour conversing with your hosts instead of leaving right away.
Prayer Request 1:
Por qué Dios me use en el viaje misionero. Please pray that God may use me on the missions trip.
Prayer Request 2:
Por que cada día yo me apasione más por el Señor! That I may grow more passionate for the Lord daily!
Prayer Request 3:
Por la salud de mi hermano. Please pray for the health of my brother.
Personal Prayer Requests
Fund Goal: $
Currently at: $
Creo que Dios me ha abierto las puertas para realizar este viaje. Hace varios años, cuando mi hija comenzó a ir a viajes misioneros, sentí curiosidad y el deseo de ir a uno también. El año pasado (2023) comencé a orar pidiéndole a Dios que si era su voluntad me permitiera asistir al viaje misionero de este año (2024). Sé que mi padre Celestial me ha dado dones y talentos. Quiero usarlos para servirle y así ayudar a otras personas. Por eso creo que debería hacer este viaje.
I believe God has opened the doors for me to go on this trip. Several years ago, when my daughter began to go on missionary trips, I became curious and desired to go on one as well. Last year on 2023 I began to pray asking God that if it were His will he would allow me to attend the missionary trip this year (2024). I know I have been given gifts and talents from my Heavenly Father and I want to use them to serve Him and thus help other people. This is why I believe I should go on this trip.