Her Story
I knew about God growing up, but I didn’t want anything to do with Him. About 6 years ago, the church Calvary El Sunzal began in my community. I started attending youth services and truthfully, I learned a lot. I began to learn about God and understand how much He loves me. Shortly after, I accepted the Lord as my Savior and began serving in children’s ministry as well as other ministries. Currently, I am the director of the Compassion International Center at Calvary El Sunzal, where I oversee 5 staff and 200 children ages 1 – 9. I am also in my 4th year of University where I am studying to be a teacher.

El Salvador
Population: 6,568,745 Location: Central America
Language: Spanish, Nawat
Capital: San Salvador
Religion: Roman Catholic 50%, Protestant 36%, other 2%, none 12%
Did you Know?: After eating, it is considered polite to spend at least an hour conversing with your hosts instead of leaving right away.
🙏 Prayer Request:
For my university studies, may they always be financed and may God give me wisdom to be able to put into practice everything I have learned.
🙏 Prayer Request:
For the ministries I am currently serving, may God always be the one leading me.
🙏 Prayer Request:
For God to give me good health.
🙏 Prayer Request:
To be led by the Holy Spirit.
🙏 Prayer Request:
For wisdom to be able to make good decisions in my life.
Personal Prayer Requests
Last Updated:
September 8, 2022